Creating video testimonials can benefit your business in several ways, including expanding psychographic segmentation, building customer loyalty, and improving your search engine rankings. These benefits alone make it worth the time and effort to create video testimonials, but there are even more reasons why you should consider adding this element to your promotional strategy. Here are the top five benefits of creating video testimonials from WatchThemLive.

1) Build trust instantly

In a world where we are constantly being bombarded with marketing messages, it can be hard to know who to trust.

This is where video testimonials come in. When done right, video testimonials can build instant trust with your audience by providing a relatable, human story that speaks to your brand.

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2) Convert leads from viewers

If you’re looking for a way to increase the number of leads you generate from your website, video testimonials are a great option. When potential customers see positive reviews from real people, they’re more likely to convert into leads.

By offering a form that visitors can fill out after watching the testimonial, you’ll be able to capture their information and send them helpful content. Engage with prospects: The only downside of video testimonials is that they take time to produce, so it’s important to start early to create enough videos before launch day arrives.

Producing these videos will require some interviewing skills on your part, but this might be something that you enjoy doing anyways! Producing these videos also allows engagement; once a visitor watches one video and reaches out through the contact form or email address provided, it becomes much easier to communicate with them and turn them into a lead!

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3) Emotionally connect viewers with your brand

When people see other people expressing emotions, they naturally start to feel those same emotions. This is why video testimonials are so powerful.

They allow potential customers to emotionally connect with your brand in a way that simply reading text can’t replicate.

4) Use videos in other marketing channels

In addition to being a powerful marketing tool on their own, video testimonials can also be used in other marketing channels to great effect. For example, you can embed them on your website or blog, or use them in email marketing campaigns. You can even post them on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

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5) Promote without doing anything else!

Video testimonials are a great way to promote your business without doing any extra work. Just by creating a few short videos, you can reach a whole new audience and show potential customers what your business is all about.

Not only will this help you get more leads, but it also allows current customers to speak on behalf of your brand when they recommend it to their friends!


Video testimonials are much more powerful than written ones, mainly because they include visuals that help your audience understand exactly how and why they will benefit from your product or service. When done correctly, video testimonials can also provide you with information that you can use to improve your products or services based on what customers are saying. Video testimonials can be created as short videos with one or two key points, or they can be longer and include multiple testimonials about various aspects of your business.

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