A literature review is a scholarly essay that analyzes the results of previous research on a topic, also known as a “review of the literature.” It’s intended to provide background information for others who want to learn more about your study area or a new field. A good literature review should be brief and concise while being comprehensive enough to give readers an accurate picture of what has been written about your dissertation paper topic in the past. To cut it short, there are 6 types of literature review, explained below:

Theoretical literature review

You should start with a short introduction that provides a brief overview of the dissertation paper topic and its relevance. You can also describe briefly how you came across this particular theory or concept, what it is about and why it has been chosen by you for your dissertation.

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You will then need to explain what this particular theoretical framework is all about, what factors have contributed to shaping such a model, and any other relevant information that may be required to understand the concept better. You can get rid of this rigmarole and let essay writers handle it for you.

Critical literature review

Critical literature reviews are an important part of a dissertation. A critical literature review is a type of review focused on criticizing the subject matter, sometimes using theoretical frameworks to analyze it. Critical reviews are typically used for dissertations in social sciences, humanities, and other fields that deal with human behavior and culture.

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Empirical literature review

An empirical literature review is a detailed examination of the literature on a specific topic. The research question for such a review must be formulated carefully, but it should not be overly broad or vague. The researcher must know what he or she is looking for in the literature and how that information will help answer their research questions.

An empirical literature review can be quantitative (a study involving variables) or qualitative (a type of research where no variables are measured). In either case, an empirical study uses data collected from real-world observations rather than hypothetical situations generated by statistical modeling techniques.

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Methodological literature review

A methodological literature review is a review of the literature that describes the methods used to study a particular phenomenon. It is concerned with what methods were used to collect data and the methods used to analyze data.

The methodological literature review can identify gaps in the literature, including any information or knowledge gaps that may prevent you from answering your research question or identifying key concepts and constructs. But at any time in the process, if you feel like you can’t handle writing a dissertation paper or literature review, get assistance from essay help to do this arduous task for you.

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Structured Literature Review

Structured literature review is a systematic review of the literature on a particular topic. It is a review of the literature that is organized according to a predetermined structure. It is a systematic and organized review of the literature that is presented in the dissertation.

Comparative literature review

Among the different types of literature reviews, the comparative literature review is probably the most commonly used. A comparative study is one in which two or more studies are compared to determine if there are any similarities and differences that may be relevant to the study taking place.

A good comparative literature review will begin by defining all relevant terms and concepts, then proceed to define the purpose of your study and how it relates to existing work on this topic. After this, you can proceed with your comparison by identifying similarities between your own study and other studies and how those similarities impact your results. Finally, you should indicate what implications these findings have for future research in this area.

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To complete your dissertation successfully, you will need to conduct a literature review. In other words, it is a way to introduce your readers to the topic by giving them background information about it so that they will be better equipped to understand what follows in the rest of the paper once they are familiar with it. Some important facts need to be presented in such an outline to understand your argument or thesis.



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