When it comes to processing waste, wood and materials in the recycling industry throughout Europe, Vecoplan has been a key player in the development of the industry. Started in 1969, its founder identified the need of sustainability within the industrial sector and started working towards this.

The first machines and recycling systems were delivered to different sawmills and furniture industries for wood waste processing. Less than 5 years later, Vecoplan was delivering machinery for a complete wood recycling plant.

Initially, focused on processing raw and waste material in the wood sector, they developed powerful machinery to be able to work in those applications. After establishing as leaders in the sector they started developing solutions for recycling materials in all different sectors of the industry all around the world. In 1989, Vecoplan managed to successfully enter the recycling market of plastic, paper and waste, including new machinery to their catalog next to their reliable wood processing units.

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By 1996, sales have passed the DM 50,000,000 milestone and they opened a technical center where 74 different machine combinations were installed in order to perform customer demonstrations for customers in real time. With the new millennium they opened a new subsidiary in USA, integrating fluidly into the North American market. European facilities were also updated with a new headquarter in Bad Marienberg. In 2008 Vecoplan opened its subsidiary in Birmingham and later in 2012, Vecoplan Iberia started operations to work with Spanish and Latin American Markets.


After several decades of experience in the market, and established as one of the references in the recycling industry, Vecoplan has been able to develop top not machinery for all kinds applications. When it comes to material processing Vecoplan has made a strong effort to be present offering top notch solutions. Most of the products have born from specific requirements made for industries all around the world. This means, they will work guaranteed in all applications.

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Vecoplan has a reputation of developing ideas and innovations that have been set as standards in the sector and have set the pace for the competition. With several patents under their belt, they have been helping clients all around the world optimize their water processing, making it more efficient.

Since the development of the first drum chipper, that featured an attachable centrifugal wedge system, Vecoplan has made enormous advances of technology in the field of waste management and processing. Recently they released the VAZ series for the Timber industry.

Spare parts.

Given the excellent reputation of Vecoplan, their machines are designed to work without interruptions. Vecoplan spare parts can be found readily, and are made with outstanding quality.

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Whatever your industry is, Vecoplan is one of the top solution sin the market for waste process and recycling.


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