Business cards are undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to successfully promote your business and stretch your customer base. As marketers and business owners, you can use your personalized cards as a proven marketing tool to share relevant information and contact details with potential clients and fellow small businesses.

Before you order business cards, you need to remember that they play a crucial role in networking with industry people and product marketing. They are most important for small business owners. Business cards, with the perfect design and content can differentiate your brand from the rest, creating the right impressions in front of anyone seeing your card.

  • It’s the first communication medium between you and your potential, prospective customers.
  • A business card remains a lucrative marketing tool, whose profitability makes it very easy to use it and help build and cultivate brand awareness.
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You can target your industry and audience and make sure it’s easily readable. You need to follow the basic design rules and be creative with design and color.

Time to get creative

It pays off to use a unique material. There are countless different types of paper in the market, and yet most cards integrate the regular white card stock. Before you order business cards to set your best foot forward, you can look at heavier paper weights that add more stability to the card.

  • You can easily slide them into your wallet and they won’t bend. You can also go for textured papers.
  • If your company leverages one-of-a-kind textures, you can bring the textures/patterns on one or both sides of the card.
  • You need to add vibrant colors. White isn’t everything in this regard. Papers come in a wide range of colors. You can also go for a subtle pattern. It’s a trick for elevating your business card to another level.
  • It’s also a great idea to sandwich a handful of colored papers with one another. You can also create a heavyweight card with a completely different texture and color combination.
  • You can also create beautiful borders with colored papers as accents. Put them between two colors (non-accent).
  • You can try a different dimension or shape. All the business cards don’t need to follow the 2*3.5” rectangle.
  • You can add a round edge for experimenting with a square card. A custom shape is also desirable. You can punch out the shape or cut it out to render a textured border and edge.
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In a nutshell

Your business card must be legible. Although funky fonts are exciting and fun, you want your recipients to have a very respectful and serious impression of you at the first glance. Make sure the fonts aren’t too small, distorted, or too fancy in some way or the other.

Your logo can be the main design element. It adds character to your business card. Keep the text straightforward and simple. Don’t give them full coverage and ensure professional printing.

If you want to include special finishing designs or options, do that carefully. The finish should be relevant to your business.

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